A new and better in-store experience

Tim DoedijnsByTim Doedijns

A new and better in-store experience

Anyone who wants to offer a modern retail environment goes for experience. Because you don’t just sell products, but you sell a lifestyle. One where sport, playing and nature are the leading topics. But how to achieve this? By working with instore video’s. With moving images in your shop or storefront you’ll get more attention and you’ll be able to show the products as they’re used every day.

Ready to use video’s
At NOHO agency we want to be pro-active. Therefor we’ve asked our favourite brands if they can offer any video’s which can be used for instore tv screens:

  • DOG Copenhagen offers a couple of great lifestyle video’s.
  • EQDOG wants to inform and educate with informative instructional video’s.
  • Owney Outdoor will be able to offer video’s as well after this summer.

Download or stream?
It is always possible to find your favourite dog product video on YouTube and steam it. But wouldn’t it be a lot easier if you have access to the original file? Than you no longer would have to worry about a slow internet connection or advertisement. Just send us a mail at info@noho.nl and we’ll send you the best instore video’s of our outdoor- and dog brands.

Great lifestyle video by DOG Copenhagen

Usefull instructional video by EQDOG

About the author

Tim Doedijns

Tim Doedijns administrator

NOHO agency is opgericht door Tim Doedijns, fervent skiër en hockeyer, wandelaar en trotse baas van Border Terrier Luca.